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Donkey / Standard (short coat)  : :  Male  : :  Young  : :  Large

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About Prancer

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Donkey
  • Ear Type: Long
  • Current Age: 6 Years 1 Month (best estimate)

Prancer is a young boy who appearts to have already been dealt the hardships of life and what humans can sometimes do.

We haven't started working with him yet but have instead decided to let him learn from his other herd mates that humans aren't all bad.  We do often find him watching us and very intrigued in what we are doing.  He just needs to work up the courage to let us know he is ready to start trusting us.

We would consider him a bottom of the herd kinda guy.

He came to us from a kill pen on January 2, 2023.  

He is scheduled to be gelded on 4/18/2023.

We love our donkeys and will only allow the best for them.  Please note to adopt one of our available donkeys you must either have at least one other donkey on your property or be willing to adopt at least 2 from our rescue. 

All of our donkeys will be up to date on shots when adopted.

Our male donkeys will be gelded before adoption.

Other Pictures of Prancer (click to see larger version):

Prancer Prancer

8524 Chestnut Ridge Rd •  Gasport, NY 14067  •  (716) 930-1922 •  WhisperingRiverRescue [ at ]